
Restored Hearts

‘…I restore the crushed spirit of the humble
    and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.’

Isaiah 57:15

Like Me..

Maybe you are like me – just an ordinary girl (or guy) with an extra ordinary Father who desires to ‘do life’ with His children. He walks with us along all the twists and turns of life. He speaks whether or not we listen. His love is relentless and unconditional. He stubbornly pursues us even when ‘we make our beds in hell’.

Was there a time in your life when you felt you let Him down so badly? You wondered how to climb out of the ‘hole’ you found yourself in. Maybe this is the place you are right now. Some days you feel like you are climbing a slippery slope. You take one step forward and two backwards. The questions are more than the answers. At times you hear nothing but silence. Where are you Father? I have been there a time or two.

I can tell you from first- hand experience. He never leaves us alone. His name Jehovah Shammah reminds us that He is there. He wants to walk us through the journey of recovery. He will ‘restore your soul’ . Put things back in order -That’s one meaning of ‘restoration’. More often than not, better than it was before.


This is my journey of restoration as I walked with the One who loves me like no one else can.

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